Thursday, September 22, 2011

You Can't (or Shouldn't) Do That!

Today I talked about how playing Adeles "Someone Like You" has been banned in a Dublin piano store because the employees were sick of hearing patrons TRYING to play the song. I understand their frustration. I wouldn't want to hear the same song be butchered over and over again. It got me thinking about things that people should be banned from doing even though I'm guilty of most of these things too.

Singing- I have no problem if you are in the car alone or in the shower and you sing your lungs out. I do it myself. But try and keep it there. Most of us are pretty tone deaf. I know how much fun it is singing to your favorite jam but there is a reason that person is on the radio and you aren't. I'm guiltily of this too but if you catch me doing this, please stop me.

Accents and impressions- When done well, these can be hilarious. When done poorly...well its kind of annoying. Once again I'm as guilty as anyone when it comes to trying to do impressions of movie quotes or Sean Connery from SNL but 90% of the time they're not close and not funny. Chances are when you do them you'll have the same results.

The worst part about all of these are people that are singing or doing impressions don't realize that they aren't any good or worse they think they're good. So be a good pal and let your friends know if they are singing poorly or doing bad impressions. It'll save them the embarrassment.

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