Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I Couldn't Live Without...

Today's "Weird News from Across the Pond" came from England. It was a survey of adults saying what they couldn't live without. Facebook ranked above flushing toilets. At first I thought that their priorities may have been slightly messed up but after making my list of things I couldn't live without, I might have some issues of my own.

10. K017.1- Ok, I didn't even know K107.1 existed until I went to college but now, I don't know what I'd do with out it. I spent 8 hours a day here and when I'm not here I'm listening. Plus it seems like a good way to get on the bosses good side : )

9. Spell Check- If you've read some of these blogs you probably figured out I can't spell. I blame my parents for spelling my name with only one "t". Without spell check there is no way I would've graduated college.

8. Auto Mobile- The freedom that a car, truck, or mini van (I used to drive a mini van and loved it) isn't often recognized. If I want to go up north and experience the wild I can, if I want to drive to Chicago to visit a big city I can, but with out my vehicle that couldn't happen. Plus it's nice not having to walk or bike to work in -20 degree weather.

7. Bike-I put bike before car because I did live with out a car. It's still means for transportation but it's also recreation and for fitness. Now if I could just take care of one of my bikes without needed to repair it every month.

6. Fridge- This is one that I seriously don't know how people lived without and most people take for granted.

5. Cell phone- I remember surviving without a cell phone but I don't remember how. It must have been such a pain. I know some people don't like the idea of always being connected and I feel bad for the pay phone but I don't think people could function anymore with out the cell.

4. Pizza- It's diverse, it's cheap, its available, its rarely bad, and historically people need to eat to live.

3. Family/friends- This one might sound sappy but my friends and family mean everything to me and always tell me where the good pizza is or how to make it in order for me to eat.

2. Cable- When your friends and family aren't around, tv is a great replacement and without cable there's no sports and without sports I don't think I'd care to be here.

1. Water- This is the most realistic, you actually need it to survive. You drink it, clean with it, drive atv's though it (one of my favorite activities.)

Things that didn't make the cut. Toliet, outhouses do just fine...I guess. Sorry Britians for saying you were crazy. Internet, The only thing I do on the internet is waste time. I suppose it's nice having information at your finger tips but I don't need to write papers anymore so I don't care. Let me know what you don't think you could live without, either on Facebook or email me at scot@k107.com

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