Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Made it Through My 2nd Day, Unlike These McDonald's Meals

Yea!!! I'm still here. They haven't gotten rid of me yet. I've successfully lasted 2 days (so far). That's more than I can say about this list of failed Mc Donald Menu items. I was going to put the photo of the McLobster up but if I had to look at that again I was going to be sick. The other thing that surprised me was the fact that they tried the McAfrika twice. After the first flop where they needed to apologize to the public I figured McDonald's would've learned their lesson. Not all of their ideas seem awful though. I've often wondered what a fast food pizza would taste like and I have a few friends that have had the McHotDog and they said it wasn't bad.

This got me thinking of some things that aren't made anymore that I really miss. The big thing that comes up and I'd say 95% of people my age would agree with me...SURGE!!! Surge is a Mountain Dew type soft drink that was released in the US in '96. It was discontinued in 2002. However, there is hope. Norway is the lone place on Earth that still has Surge. Bottom line... BRING SURGE BACK!

The other thing that I miss is Hi-C's Ecto Cooler. It was basically just orange flavored Hi-C but GREEN. Oh yea, it had Slimer on the box. I love "Ghostbusters" and Slimer so anytime Mom packed me an Ecto Cooler in my lunch for school it was a treat. The Ecto Cooler release coincided with "The Real Ghostbusters" cartoon in "87. The cartoon ended in '91 but Slimer stayed on the box until around '97.

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