Thursday, May 31, 2012

It's Not You, It's Me

George Costanza said it best, "It's not you, it's me."  A perfect way to back out of a relationship without hurting someone.  Of course that's not the real reason.  She might have had man hands or maybe he was a close talker.  Seinfeld references aside, breaking up is tough for both the dumper and the dumped. 

The person doing the breaking up doesn't want to come off as a jerk or hurt the person, which can make it hard to be honest.  The person who's dumped may be left with a feeling of what did I do wrong. Here is a list that, a reverse dating site that gives people answers to why they were dumped, came up with.

Some of those reasons worry me.  I'm a very picky eater, I'm on the shorter side, and I don't make all that much money.  I understand some of these answers being very high.  No one wants to be with someone who is always late, has bad hygiene, you fight with, or makes you feel unwanted.  But some answers show that both men and women can be pretty shallow and needy.  Money, height, bad kisser, come on people.      

Maybe if it is too harsh to say the real reasons why you don't want to be, I found someone who makes more money, isn't as hairy, and is taller than you might not be the best way to let someone down.  Maybe we should just stick with "it's not you, it's me."

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