Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What's In A Name? Nothing Good

I believe it was Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet who asked "what's in a name?" Good question. Apparently what's in a name these days is nothing but regret and shame. That's because a recent survey done in the UK shows that over 50% of parents regret the names they gave their children. Another 49% of parents don't believe the name they chose lived up to the child’s personality in life.

A couple of points to make here: First off, what the heck does the name not matching someone’s personality mean? What type of personality is an Elizabeth or Ryan supposed to have? Unless you name your kid Jeeves or Ichabod I don't think you’re setting them up for anything too specific down the road.

Secondly, naming a kid is a big responsibility. That's something that stays with them forever, or a at least until they turn18 and can change it (surprisingly enough the number of name changes has gone up from about 5,000 in 2000 to 58,000 last year.) It must be hard to pick a name that not everyone else is going to have, but not one that's so weird and out there that the kid will be made fun of for the rest of their life. I like foreign sounding names but those names can be difficult because they are so different. People might not be able to say them correctly or they might have parts of them that the mean kids would make fun of them for. For example I really like the name Sergei (pronounced sir-gay it's Russian) but you can imagine how middle school would be for that guy.

I personally think my parents did a great job naming my brother and myself. My name is Scot Edward Frassetto or Scot E. My brother’s name is Mike Albert or Mike Al. I also like only having one "T" in my name. I've gotten used to explaining to people that it's different and it gives me a good example for not being able to spell.

So parents, good luck. Your decision on the name will apparently be the determining factor on whether you kid will be a world class lawyer or a dyslexic typesetter.

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