Thursday, February 16, 2012

Urine Trouble If You See Pee Like This

Often times you may hear health experts talk about being properly hydrated. It can help prevent you from getting sick, lose weight, and keep you awake and focused. They tell you how much water it should take to stay hydrated (they recommend 64 oz a day.)

That's great, but most people are doing a million things in a day and aren't going to keep track of how many glasses of water they've had. So how do you know if you're getting enough H2O? You can tell by the color of your urine. This is a chart from the Boy Scouts of America. The lighter the urine, the better hydrated you are. If your pee is yellow or dark yellow, you should drink some water to get yourself hydrated again. A great way to make sure that you get enough water is to always have it around you. Having a cold picture in the fridge has helped me drink more water. Before a couple of summers ago, I never got enough water. Then I started carrying a water bottle around with me. It doesn't have to be a $20 aluminum bottle. I just re-used a plastic bottle I bought at a gas station. Now, I always have a water bottle with me and I'm normally in the clear.

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