Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hating Facebook?

The Wall Street Journal just came up with the most hated US businesses. The list had airlines, and phone providers, and banks. I get those. But Facebook? Seriously, why do people hate Facebook? The report said it was because people are afraid that the social media site doesn't provide enough privacy as well as costumer service concerns.

I understand these concerns...however. It's a social media site. It's not supposed to be private. Anything you post goes out to anyone and everyone. That's the point of a social media site. I know people don't want their personal information stolen and that has been an item of concern but anytime you put your personal information anywhere, especially online, you're putting yourself at risk. Be smart about what you put online because everything online is permanent, whether you delete it or not.

The other thing I find amusing about people's reactions to Facebook is when Facebook makes changes to the website. Do I like the new newsfeed look? No, not in particular. But, I'm not going to complain about it. It's foolish to complain about a completely free service you are in no way obligated to use. Maybe if I was half as smart as Mark Zuckerberg I'd complain and try to make improvements or a different social media site. Since I'm not, I'm going to continue to use one of the most popular websites in the world.

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