Thursday, October 20, 2011

College is Broken so Watch IMF Guy Dodge Eggs

I'm stretching today for a title I know. A few recent studies have shown two things about college. One, college students critical thinking skills are not improving according to a NYU study. And two, college costs too much. This is shown because for the first time ever the amount college students took out for loans was more than $100 Billion! With these too things in mind I have to ask myself if college is still worth it? I had a great time in college at UW-O and my major was very practical. We were allowed to use equipment and were put into "real world" situations with our broadcast. But I don't know about other majors, I mean what do you do with a english, or history major besides teach? I can't imagine there being anything practical in those majors. (I'm not picking on English and history majors fyi)

One point that was made is that maybe college students aren't gaining as much because they are teaching just to the degree or maybe too many people are getting into college. This could be, and those students who don't know what they want to do or who are just going to college because it's what their high school guidance counselor told them to do are wasting time and money, lots of money. Technical colleges seem to make more sense in many cases. They are often cheaper and are much more practical than a four year education, which has now turned into a five year education. Did I really need to take four semsters of French?

(Joking) My family history has shown that college makes you dumber. When I went to college and came back for break, my sister who was in high school at the time said I was noticeably dumber than before and I noticed that same thing about her after her first semester in college.

Now to make you feel better about a possibly broken system, here's video of a guy dodging eggs at a speech.

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